In the current League of Legends environment, there are a number of viable junglers, but if you want to ascend the ranks in solo queue, you need to play Warwick. Whether you’re a rookie or seasoned League of Legends player, the Warwick jungle is a solo queue must-play. He’s a powerful and flexible fighter who can take on most champions one-on-one. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to properly play Warwick jungle in every situation. So keep reading to find out why Warwick should be your solo queue champion.
Warwick Is One of the Best Junglers in the Game
Right now, there are a few viable junglers in the game, but Warwick is one of them. Why? Warwick should be your solo queue champion for multiple reasons: he has a lot of sustain, does a lot of damage, and can take out any opponent with his kit alone.
Warwick’s high early-game stats make him extremely effective throughout the laning phase, more than compensating for his lackluster late-game potential compared to other jungle options. This makes him an extremely powerful choice to play if you want to ascend the ranked ladder because he can carry games before they even reach 20 minutes. It is worth noting that Warwick is countered by champions like Kha’Zix and Rengar, so make sure to be aware of who you’re facing before picking him.
Warwick’s equipment also allows him to be a very adaptable jungler. He can clear camps, take down turrets, and fight most other champions with ease, making him an excellent choice for any circumstance. Warwick is your champion if you’re searching for a strong jungler that can carry games in a solo queue.
Warwick Has High Jungle Clear Speed and Mobility
Breaking velocity is by far the most critical trait for a jungler; being able to clear camps fast and efficiently means you’ll spend less time in the jungle and more time on the map, ganking other lanes. Warwick has high clear speed thanks to his passive, which grants him healing for every enemy slain in his vicinity, as well as a low-cooldown AoE damaging spell (Q). Furthermore, because it is an automatically triggered ability, farming camps is considerably simpler than if you had to last hit them with auto attacks or spells – you can concentrate only on clearing rather than worrying about obtaining that few extra gold from each minion. Furthermore, there are best jungle routes for Warwick that can be investigated and used to help you level up faster.
Warwick Combos Extremely Well With Crowd Control
Every jungler needs crowd management in order to properly land skillshots and eliminate foes before they have a chance to flee. Because Warwick lacks the ability to successfully lock down opponents, he must rely on his team for this, but happily, there are a number of champions that can supply it and work well with him: Morgana’s Dark Binding is an excellent long-range snare that can hold enemies in place so you can quickly unleash your Q or Ultimate; Leona provides perfect synergy due to her guaranteed lockdown once she hits level two and three (her E and R) which enables you and yourself ample time to dish out damage before they try anything funny; another great choice would be Blitzcrank thanks to both having AoE crowd control – simply land your W after hooking someone into your turret range then follow up with exhaust if needed.
In general, most tanks with a reliable snare or engagement will do the trick – so don’t be afraid to try out different junglers in your games.
Why Is Warwick Such A Strong Choice For Solo Queue?
When it comes to taking down jungle camps, his kit has strong sustain, and his Ultimate can quickly explode squishy opponents from 100-0 percent in within two seconds. In addition, owing to Blood Hunt’s speed increase when active, he possesses a lot of mobility. This gives him an excellent choice against champions who rely on kiting to win (such as Ezreal). Since he has both lifesteal and added that scales off his maximum health, attack speed weapons like Blade of the Ruined King help him tremendously.
Warwick is a flexible champion who can be created in a variety of ways. For example, you might use things like Dead Man’s Plate and Thornmail to make a more tanky build, or you could use Phantom Dancer to go all-in on damage. Whatever your preferred style of play is, Warwick can easily fit into it. Finally, his crowd control skills make him an excellent choice against slippery or difficult-to-kill foes.
Give Warwick a go if you’re searching for a powerful and adaptable jungler for solo queue. He might end up being your new favourite champion.
Warwick Has the Best Ganks
Warwick’s ganks are extremely effective, and they may frequently determine the outcome of a game. Why? Because he uses two separate crowd management techniques: slow and fear. That adversary won’t know what hit them when you emerge from stealth (Q) with Infinite Duress activated (R). As Warwick pursues them for an easy kill, they’ll flee like terrified little bunnies. But if things don’t go as planned, he can always resort to his Hungering Strike (W). This will restore his health enough for him to continue chasing till he brings home another delectable supper.
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Warwick Is Easy To Learn and Hard To Master
It’s easy to believe Warwick is simple to play because he’s not a showy champion like Rengar or Kha’Zix. True, his skills are simple at first appearance; yet, if you’re new to League of Legends, even veteran players may struggle to properly comprehend the notion of jungling.
Furthermore, Warwick’s talents are not as straightforward as they appear. You must learn how to effectively use Blood Scent in order to become a powerful and successful jungler (E). This allows Warwick to chase down injured opponents who assume their turret is safe from harm since it is still standing tall.
Playing Warwick Will Improve Your Overall Gameplay
Warwick will help you enhance your whole game. Why? Warwick is a versatile champion that can be used in a variety of lanes (Top, Jungle, Mid). If you’re experiencing problems in a certain lane or matchup, playing Warwick in that spot might help you out. He’s also a capable duelist who can hold his own against most champions.
To summarize, Warwick is a powerful jungler that may assist you in improving your game. He may be used in a variety of situations and can be used in various lanes. Thus, if you want to get an advantage in the solo queue, Warwick is the way to go.