In a modern world, technology is everything. With data stored on systems, one needs to take the most precautions to keep it safe.
Cybersecurity has become an extremely pertinent issue because many can benefit from stealing stored data. Hordes of information are collected online – this ranges from consumer information to company secrets.
Companies demand more information from consumers to deliver better services to make life easier. However, all this information makes the consumer very vulnerable, and companies should establish any and every wall of security to protect this data. Penetration testing is one among the most efficient ways to amp up one’s cybersecurity. Here is everything one should know before investing in it.
What is Penetration Testing?
Consider pen testing a test run. Cyber experts attempt to exploit any vulnerability they can find in a company’s security wall. After identifying vulnerabilities, the company strengthens those areas of their cybersecurity. This testing ensures that there are no blind spots when it comes to data security.
Ethical or white hat hackers conduct pen-testing and report their findings. Some services even offer to fix these weak spots for the company.
How does Pen Testing help?
There are multiple ways for a cybercriminal to exploit a company. Data stealing is the primary goal. In this case, the criminal plants advanced persistent threats to stay in a system and remain unnoticed. During this time, data is accessed and stolen, resulting in the branch of privacy. The motive of such data theft is usually financial. Stolen data sells for millions in the black market, and many criminal hackers make a living out of this.
The other goal is to interrupt services. Denial of service attacks or DOS attacks prevents consumers from having access to a company’s services. They use malware to make websites and databases crash, making it difficult for companies to continue working unaffected. In this type, the offender makes themselves known and interrupts the working of a company.
After analysing every possible situation, there are different types of pen testing to strengthen defences against any possible attack.
Types of Pen Testing
In a closed-box penetration test, hackers do not have any information about the company’s security provided to them. They go in blind, and hence, this is also known as a ‘single-blind’ test. It creates a scenario where the hacker has no connections to the company.
In this test, the hacker receives a little information on the company’s security before the test. This situation simulates an external hacker having an internal connection in the company.
Covert pen-test
This simulation is the most realistic test where the hacker receives no information, and a majority of the staff is unaware that this is a simulation.
This test helps in assessing the company’s response to attacks and strengthening active defence systems in place.
External pen-test
In this situation, the hacker target’s a company’s external services. Their targets include websites and servers. On some occasions, the hacker is not allowed on the premises. Carrying out the hack from the outside allows a perfect recreation of an external hack.
Internal pen-test
For this test, the hacker operates from inside the institution. This simulation assesses the damage an unhappy employee could cause. These days, cybersecurity has to be intact on both sides. People with access to the company system can cause more harm, and hence inside jobs are also viable scenarios.
Investing in pen-testing services can save you from exorbitant expenses in damage from cybercrime. Sensitive data will always attract criminals, but with updated cybersecurity systems, one can keep them away.