Covid-19 jumped out of the blue and has proved to be an unforeseen hardship for the human race. Various sectors, individuals, and communities seek to do away with the risks attributed to it at every stage. Starting from working styles to international commerce and human interactions, including the manner in which people’s free time is spent, its effect is felt everywhere. For instance, ICT services like Informpros are supporting all their clients in a near 100% remote model now.
May it be how to conduct the least operational supply chains, how to service their clients, how to cut down the tremors of Covid using lockdowns, inventory sanitization, storage, electronic platforms, and what is to be done to keep the employees occupied, the situation has forced all the sectors into a new era.
Though ICT services have come out in the disguise of an angel assisting in traversing this situation, it is a prominent domain impacted in the lines of expenditure. In the current Covid situation, the electronic media is rising to the occasion as a dominant aspect wherein people, employees, family, and friends are all using e-media solutions to the optimum, often looking for fresh ways of utilizing them in the role they are meant to play.
The thing which is quickly resurfacing as the epicenter of almost every entity is IT services. Since most companies find sustaining engagement with huge groups of their employees a hard nut to crack, huge capacity requirements and ramp-ups are expected in sectors like Telecom and Media performing work-from-home or people spending most of their time on digital channel engagement.
How do the corporate entities confront these challenging situations and use the support of ICT and electronic media professionalism to translate these times into more sustainable periods while also drawing up the map for the future? Here are a few guidelines:
Since the pressure on the Information tech field for services like retail, telco, and healthcare sectors is predicted to keep making new records during this period, digital solutions for customer engagement in the said sectors will have more focus. Therefore some solutions should take a front seat where a revenue shift is expected or where customer experience or proximity is required.
As hackers and pranksters will see this as an opportunity to be minted, the entire attention should be directed towards solutions regarding security for the e-media since first-timers are expected on different platforms more than ever before. This means increased danger for cyber security.
Facilitating the un-intervened experience on mobile becomes more important than ever for many consumer encountering fields since mobile devices are fast becoming the epicentre of such engagement.
As organizations consider cost optimization initiatives and seek agility in operations because of the international market scenario, more cloud services consumption is expected.
To ensure consumers are engaged at all times, enhanced/new/virtual returns pathways can be looked forward to with an increased consumer information mix through ML or AI modules.
Since many home-to-home activities are shifted to the electronic space of solutions, Work From Home processes should be more robust.
As businesses stand by their consumers through ICT services, it ensures that they are considerate, humble, and loyal. And as their needs and preferences are met, the businesses, and in turn, everybody is satisfied.